BOOZIE is a drink membership platform where members get one free welcome drink, each day, at any of the participating venues. Once they set their GPS location customers receive info about all promo offers around them. The service is very popular in USA & Europe.

BOOZIE helps venue owners to attract new customers and to reward them. It also helps with their fidelity program by keeping the client and transforming it into loyal customer. BOOZIE platform has great marketing tools, reports and anonymous guests’ statistics which are very useful for business owners.

Bulbera was involved in the creation of the latest version of the mobile app for Android & iOS and the back-end solution. It is currently used by customers and businesses all over the world. Bulbera has helped BOOZIE owners to grow their business, to add new functionalities and to make the app more stable and reliable.

Boozie International



Loyalty and Rewards


Food & Drinks

iOS, Android, Ionic, AngulaJS, Cordova, CakePHP, MySQL, Amazon Cloud